ZFS show 2018

I recently won the 2018 edition of the prestigious Zebra Finch Society show (most recently held in Nuneaton) for the 21st time!! This time with Fawns.

Peter Harrison. BIS and all Champion awards

Chris Hill. All awards Novice.

Jack Harrison. All awards Junior

Best of Show
Best Single P.HarrisonFawns
Best Champion SingleP.HarrisonFawns
Best Novice Single C.HillChestnut FW
Best Junior SingleB.HarrisonChestnut FW

Champion  Adults Champion Breeders
1stP.HarrisonFawns 1stP.HarrisonNormals 
2ndP.HarrisonNormals 2ndP.HarrisonNormals 
3rdM.J.DaviesFawns 3rdP.Harrison   Fawncheeks
5thP.HarrisonNormals 5thK & W .DaviesLightbacks
7thK & W DaviesLightbacks7thK & W DaviesChestnut FW

Novice AdultsNovice Breeders
1stC.HillChestnut FW1stC.HillChestnut FW
2ndC.HillChestnut FW2ndM.CrowtherFawns
3rdJ.PopeSilvers3rdJ.RobertsonChestnut FW
4thC.HillChestnut FW4thM.CrowtherFawns

Junior AdultsJunior Breeders
1stJ.HarrisonChestnut FW 1stJ.HarrisonChestnut FW 
2ndJ.HarrisonChestnut FW 2ndT.SmithPenguins
3rdJ.HarrisonChestnut FW 3rdT.SmithPenguins

Colour awardsChampionNoviceJunior
Normals P.Harrison *White & Lambert
FawnsP.Harrison *M.Crowther
PiedsL.Calford *S.McCormick
SilversN/A J.Pope *
CreamsP.Harrison *J.PopeL.Fleming
LightbacksK & W Davies*J.Robertson 
Chestnut FWK & W DaviesC.Hill *J.Harrison
WhitesL.Calford *S.McCormick
PenguinsL.MannA.Garlick *T.Smith
Black Face / CheekN/A N/A 
Black / Orange BreastedA & D Fleming *C.Green
Fawn / Grey CheekP.Harrison *W.Brown

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